Michiel van Elk, “Extase: Over de godhelm en andere religieuze experimenten” (boekrecensie)

Het boek Extase: Over de godhelm en andere religieuze experimenten telt ongeveer 180 pagina’s en heb ik in pakweg een dag uitgelezen. Echt weer zo’n boek waar ik blij van word! Een boek dat goed geschreven is, waarin een topwetenschapper in staat blijkt om voor een breed publiek uit te leggen wat hij aan het … Lees meer

“Alleen een theoloog met oogkleppen op kan de hersenwetenschappen nog negeren”

Hersenwetenschap – brain sciences – zijn hot! Met name het idee dat ook religie vanuit het perspectief van deze wetenschappen bestudeerd kan worden, kan zich in toenemende mate op belangstelling verheugen. Gisteren stond er een interessante discussie tussen hersenwetenschapper Michiel van Elk en systematisch theoloog Christoph Hübenthal (mijn voormalige collega aan de Radboud Universiteit) in het … Lees meer

Presenting the CSR at the upcoming conference of the European Society for Philosophy of Religion (ESPR)

From tomorrow (Thursday) until Sunday, the 20th biennial conference of the European Society for Philosophy of Religion (ESPR) will take place in Münster, Germany. The theme is “Transforming Religion”. I will be one of the main speakers. I am invited to be one of the main speakers at the conference and to discuss evolutionary insights and their implications for the philosophy of religion.

Thus I have written a 20-page paper on some the implications of the cognitive science of religion for theology and philosophy of religion with the title “Religious Belief Beyond Kant and Darwin: Philosophical Reflections on the Evolutionary and Cognitive Roots of Religious Belief”.

The participants have received the paper before the conference (which is customary at ESPR-conferences). The participants are expected to have read it beforehand. At the conference itself I will give a short introduction, which summarizes the main points of my paper. Thereafter a discussion will follow. Below you find the text of my presentation at the conference. (The paper itself is at present unavailable, I hope to hear at the conference whether the main papers will be published somewhere – but if you’re interested, send me an e-mail.)

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Is Christianity Natural?

In 2011 and 2012, I attended two seminars at Calvin College (Grand Rapids, Michigan) on the cognitive science of religion and Christianity. The seminars were led by Justin Barrett (then at Oxford, now at Fuller).

The goal I had in mind was to develop a top-notch project proposal that would bridge the gap between the cognitive science of religion on the one hand and the philosophy of religion and systematic theology on the other.

The two seminars were excellent. They were very stimulating and we were forced to work extremely hard (we had to read a pile of about 10 books on the subject and a reader of about 600 pages of densely written research articles). I am extremely grateful that I was allowed this opportunity.

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This is not Stephen Hawking – or is it?

Very cool – Amazon.com apparently sells a Lego set with  which you can build your own Stephen Hawking. And it looks awesome. Now adults have excuses again to play with Lego – who’s next? Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, or Albert Einstein? No, just kidding. I was stunned by the look of Lego-Hawking: (Source: http://www.geek.com/articles/geek-cetera/the-grand-lego-design-a-stephen-hawking-lego-model-2013038/) What … Lees meer