Jesse Bering: “The God Instinct” (Part 2)

In this post the second, revised part of my final evaluation of Jesse Bering’s The God Instinct (in the US published as The Belief Instinct). FOR DUTCH VISITORS: De Nederlandse samenvatting van Berings boek, is in delen HIER te vinden. Jesse Bering, The God Instinct: The Psychology of Souls, Destiny, and the Meaning of Life. … Lees meer

The Belief Instinct–an interview with Jesse Bering

Later today I will post the second part of my evaluation of Jesse Bering’s The God / Belief Instinct. However, I recently found an interesting interview with Bering that also can function as an interesting summary of the book, here: Note the following passage: When we understand how the mind works in relation to … Lees meer

Jesse Bering: “The God Instinct” (Part 1)

A while ago, I read Jesse Bering’s The God Instinct (which is the British title, in the US the book was published as The Belief Instinct). It’s a highly stimulating book and one of the more interesting contributions to both the science and religion debate as well as the debate concerning atheism. I published my elaborate review on my weblog in Dutch, but since it attracted quite a few non-Dutch visitors who used online translation tools to make some sense out of my Dutch text, I decided to publish my final evaluation of Bering’s book in English. I now publish a revised version of that evaluation here on my website, again in two parts. This is part one. Please note that this is not the review or summary of the book, but only my evaluation of the book as a whole (in other words: it assumes some knowledge of the book already).

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Jesse Bering – "The God / Belief Instinct" (deel 7 – slot)

Bestaat God echt, of is God een illusie die door ons brein wordt geproduceerd? Dat is de kwestie die in het nieuwe en buitengewoon fascinerende boek van Jesse Bering, The God Instinct (in Amerika: The Belief Instinct) aan de orde is. In de afgelopen dagen ben ik in een aantal lange blogbijdragen dit hele boek … Lees meer

Jesse Bering – "The God / Belief Instinct" (deel 6)

Bestaat God echt, of is God een illusie die door ons brein wordt geproduceerd? Dat is de kwestie die in het nieuwe en buitengewoon fascinerende boek van Jesse Bering, The God Instinct (in Amerika: The Belief Instinct) aan de orde is. In een aantal lange blogbijdragen ga ik dit hele boek door en geef ik … Lees meer