How many earths? Shattering the myth of uniqueness

We are living in very interesting times indeed! We once thought that the Earth was unique in harboring life. Though it is true that scientists have not yet discovered life outside our atmosphere (despite the occasional claims to the opposite, mostly coming from fringe scientists), the plausibility of the idea that Earth is unique in … Lees meer

Have British astrobiologists found extraterrestrial life?

One issue that fascinates me is the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Is there life out there? And if so, what does it look like? Is there another intelligent species somewhere? Moreover, what would be the implications of finding life elsewhere for the view we have of ourselves and our place in the universe? What consequences … Lees meer

Has Lawrence Krauss defeated religion?

According to this interview, Lawrence Krauss wrote his latest book, A Universe from Nothing as a way to defeat the philosophical-theological question “Why is there something rather than nothing?” The motivation to write a book about how the universe arose seems thus to be a theological one, although Krauss admits in the interview his goal … Lees meer