Interview met John Caputo

Voor het tijdschrift Volzin was ik gevraagd om de beroemde Amerikaanse theoloog en godsdienstfilosoof John Caputo te interviewen. Het interview ging via Zoom en vond plaats op 8 januari, dus slechts enkele dagen na de bestorming van het Capitool door Trump-aanhangers. Ondertussen is de Nederlandse versie van het interview te vinden op de website van … Lees meer

Introducing my new research project: A philosophical and theological exploration of ‘religious atheism’ and ‘religious naturalism’

Via my LinkedIn-account I already announced that from February 1, 2015, I have a new halftime position, as a researcher at the Dominican Study Centre for Theology and Society in Amsterdam (see It’s a position for one year, and I intend to do a lot in that time.

The project that I will be working on is titled: The spirituality of ‘belonging without believing’: a philosophical and theological exploration of ‘religious naturalism’ and ‘religious atheism’. I’ll try to give a brief description of what I will be working on for the coming year…

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Is David Barash teaching religion in his biology classes? A response to his NYTimes op-ed.

Steven Pinker tweeted about an op-ed article in the New York Times today that drew my attention. In the article, David Barash, an evolutionary biologist and professor of psychology at the University of Washington argues that evolutionary biology and religious belief are incompatible. Barash’s article apparently meets with deep respect from Pinker (and probably many other atheists that believe that science and religion are incompatible). However, I believe there are reasons to believe that Barash’s article should be taken with caution. What he describes to be doing in his biology class seems not so different from what creationists intend to do…

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My Oxford-lecture on: Why is special divine action a "problem"?

A while ago I was invited by Andrew Pincent of the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion at Oxford University to give a lecture on how I see the problem of special divine action, especially on the way divine action is dealt with in the field of science and religion. As many know, I … Lees meer

My take on the map metaphor

I just came across a note I made in one of my Moleskines, probably from around 2007, in which I wrote the following: Map Metaphor Suppose I walk through a big city, using a map of that city. I arrive at a big square where there is a church. However, when I look at my … Lees meer